Monday, January 28, 2008

Happy happy day

I have a new boss and he seems like he will be awesome. He knows a lot of technical stuff about what we do. he seems nice and friendly and not above getting in the lab and messing around with stuff! Everyone was glowing today at work. The mood is good. He won't start for 3 -4 weeks, so it will be interestting to see how the waiting period goes. It will probably be the most hopeful time yet at this job.

Then I found out that my best work buddy, Sharon, is preggers! Yay! only 7 weeks, but good enough, right? She is very excited and happy.

After work, I got to eat luch with a good friend of mine, who is having a wonderful time in her 6 month old relationship. Things are looking bright and hopeful and wonderful and lovey dovey. It makes me so happy to see her so ... comfortable ... in a relationship.

AND Maggie and I got to go for a bike ride today and we made it around the whole neighborhood loop without stopping, even that giant hill that nearly killed me last time! I am pleased to say that my lungs have remained clear and open and that they served me well today.

THEN I found some great cord pants at eddie bauer ON SALE!!! Like, more than half off! Even the TALLS!!! IMPOSSIBLE YOU SAY! NO!! TRUE!!! I ordered 3 pair. I am so happy.

AND the girls are playing together nicely in the basement!

AND my best friend Liz is getting ready to head to Texas to see my other best friend, so all my love and hugs are getting personally delivered to my oh so missed buddy and friend and confidant and best mom ever Cori! (Ok, actually I am pretty jealous that I can't go along with them, but this is the second best option.) I LOVE YOU CORI!!!!

AND it looks like all my hip lady friends who love their Vulvas are going to be able to conglomerate on teh same night for a showing of the Vagian Monologues at VT. (We mde some vagina pops earlier to promote it and to raise money for violence against women. no to PREVENT violence against women, stupid. So buy a vagina pop!)

So all of this totally makes up for not getting to the grocer4y store, right? Sure. We do need some milk though...

OH HAPPY DAY!!! Is it really possbile to have all this good stuff happen in one day? Is the world going to end tomorrow or something??

and to finish off the post, here is some art that M and I did together. I drew the outline, she colored it:

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