Wednesday, February 13, 2008

it was a...

it was an AeroGarden!!!!!

I will be harvesting my own organic herbs is about a month. Neato!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Today is my Birthday!

YAY! What a great day. Birthdays are so much more fun than I thought. ME DAY!! I got presents from coworkers and from my good good friend Liz (A HUGGGGGEEEEE chocolate bar!!!! HUGE!) and really nice heartfelt cards from my mom and great aunt. AND a new CD from my dad's friend, who hasn't sent me a gift in about 10 years! rock on! good times! and now craig will be home soon and I will finally figure out what the gift is. CLUES:

from bed bath and beyond
NOT in the kitchen, bathroom, or home decor sections
plugs in
is bigger than Digby, a little dog
lights up
can use it in the bedroom or living room
is used with food.

what the hell?

I was thinking it was some kind of kinky chocolate melter for body painting, but Elizabeth knows what it is, so that kind of rules out that guess....

Time to make a BIRTHDAY STEAK! Farewell!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Funny comic

Thought I would share:


Now you should read the post below.

YOU SHOULD read this

Ok, so Last week we heard we were getting a new boss in about a month. This week, the powers decided to bump it up and give us a new boss RIGHT NOW! Of course this caused all sorts of trouble with the current boss (still here). And I am trying to impress the new boss and not be a jerk and all that stuff that you do when you have a new boss. So we were having a meeting this afternoon with the new boss, and I said some stuff that I felt was kind of pushing the line of professionalism (calling out old boss on lying and such). I was pretty worried about it, so I gave a ring to my work buddy to see if I had gone a little overboard.

No, she said, BUT.....

Aparently I started a lo t of my sentences toward the new guy with "You should.." as in, "hey, let me tell you how to do your job, new guy"

Now, this might not seem like such a big deal to you, but let me say, "You should..." goes WAAAAAAY back. Way Back.

At one point in my high school years, my BFF Deirdre would say "you should" all the time. It drove me nuts NUTS NUTS. I HATED being told what I should do. I confronted her about it once and she said.... she saidd..... She said that the reason she said that all the time is becaseu she picked it up from *me*. Horrors.


So I worked very hard to quell the "should"s.

So what did I learn today? Apparently when I get emotional and worked up and am not thinking clearly, the reptilian part of my brain reverts to commanding people around. How embarrassing.

Sometimes I wish my primative parts would say things like "wow. you are wonderful person" or "how can I help your life be better" or just make me start doing things like visiting old people.

grrr... Just one more thing I am hoping corrects itself by the time I turn 30.